----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Nielsen / Mozart: Clarinet Concertos CD/Record # : UNS 239 CD/Record Mftr : Unicorn Conductor : Leppard Orchestra : New Philharmonia Orchestra Clarinetist/Piece: Jack McCaw/Nielsen Clarinet Concerto Clarinetist/Piece: Jack McCaw/Mozart Clarinet Concert K.622 Comments : I do not know if it is currently available but if not, it : would be worth looking for in used record shops. For my : taste it is still the most interesting interpretation ever : recorded. His tempos are noticeably slower in the really : difficult places, but his playing is extremely musical. : Many players attempt this "Mt. Everest" of our : repertoire with the attitude of faster is better or "I'm : going to play it that fast because I can!" McCaw explores : a musical side of this piece which gave me as a student, : and now my students, things to consider in formulating a : unique interpretation. I don't know what the best : recording of the Mozart is these days, but I don't think : the McCaw one is in the top few, From what I remember, : it's a little bit faceless.